Group III Mgt., Inc. has been conducting business in the south for over thirty years. We have successfully completed all types of Commercial, Medical, and Industrial, Historical, Educational construction projects. We have a strong background in the Mechanical Electrical, and Plumbing trades which gives us a distinct advantage over the completion.
Group III Mgt., Inc. has completed projects with AIA Awards, LEED Silver Certificates for Design Build and is a recipient of 1st Quarter Safety Award from USACE.
Group III Mgt., Inc. has successfully maintained a Safety Record of no incidents or accidents for the last eight years.
Group III Mgt., Inc. has also received excellent evaluations from our government contracts.
GSHP – Fort Bragg NC
“This contractor was very proactive in identifying problems and issues and in working with my office and the customer to their satisfaction. The contractor had to work in multiple buildings and with multiple Corps level organizations answering to their work schedules and preferences for when work could start and end. In one case, the contractor was asked to work around a very highly sensitive courts martial and court room facility. Easy to work with, and completely flexible I found it a joy to work with Group III and would seek out any opportunity to do it again. One of the three contractors I have rated exceptional in the past 18 years.” Per Karl Gabzdyl – Resident Engineer and Administrative Contracting Officer for the project
OSI Charleston Air Force Base
Group III demanded the highest quality work, work extended hours and weekends to meet the schedule, Superior end product and worked extremely well with the Government. Customer stated several times how happy they were with the facility…”The Best in AMC.” – Robert Beechler
Fort Raleigh, Manteo N.C.
“One of the smoothest projects I have been associated with.” I believe the agency would opt to negotiate with this contractor on other projects where there is an option. The Owning agency & local users were very satisfied with the contractor.” Brian Hart – Alpha Corporation.